Introducing Subscribers to Sales® Systems

Catapult your YouTube Productivity, Growth, and Revenue WITHOUT the Creator Burnout!

Systemize ⚙️Once, Autopilot ✈️Forever!

With Subscribers to Sales® SYSTEMS, you’ll have the exact systems and content creation workflow you’ll ever need to run your YouTube channel more efficiently, effectively and profitably. STS® Systems is a 75-minute mini-workshop that will help you centralize your YouTube channel tasks in one place, save 10-12+ hours per week, and download your YouTube business out of your brain into a system that does all the thinking for you.

Within just 75 minutes of taking this mini-workshop, you will have:

marissa romero


You’re not consistent with your channel posting schedule and you’d love to experience the freedom that comes with a defined workflow that you can stick to.

You’re wondering how to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of content creation plus all the other tasks of running your actual business 😩

You’re STILL creating thumbnails, editing your videos, writing descriptions, making sure videos get posted on time and you constantly feel stuck in the weeds of ‘to-do’s.’

You know that your videos aren’t optimized with all the best growth strategies and know there’s so much room for improvement when it comes to checking the box for all the best YT practices.

You have video ideas scattered around on sticky notes and Google calendars. Day by day you’re spinning your wheels in unproductive land because you don’t know how to prioritize what to work on first.

Your lack of focus is at an all-time high because you’re always in reaction mode with your channel and as a result, your creative energy for title ideas and scripting has dwindled.

Whether You have 100 subscribers, 100,000 subscribers, or starting from scratch, SYSTEMS are a non-negotiable part of scaling.

As YouTube Business Owners, we know that to MAXIMIZE the growth and algorithmic reach that there are over 50 best optimization practices just for publishing ONE video i.e. planning, scripting, editing, thumbnail design, descriptions, tags, SEO, not to mention distributing the video once it goes public…the list goes on and on.

Trust me when I say it’s impossible to remember every single step from your head. The mental energy it takes to think about is SLOWING you DOWN and thus, sabotaging your productivity, channel growth, and ultimately revenue to your business. Implementing these YouTube systems that I’ve perfected over the past five years will seamlessly allow you to redefine your YouTube strategy to create content that attracts viewers that convert to leads and sales (while working way LESS)!

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Steal this deal today!

VALUE $397, Regular $97

Today Only $47.00

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HERE’s How it works:

Your Subscribers to Sales® System is powered by Asana.  Asana is a powerful cloud-based productivity tool that allows you to organize, manage, and track projects/tasks with ease. Think of it as a centralized ecosystem that makes managing a YouTube Channel and your business seamless and enjoyable. The best part is it’s free!

Asana allows you to build a ‘custom visual’ of everything that goes on in your YouTube Business and easily keep track of what has and has not been completed.

Think of this as the main hub for your YouTube business where you (and your current & future team members) know every single day what to work on. This is how you STOP operating your YouTube business from your head 🧠.  Asana is incredible because it also integrates with your favorite everyday tech such as Slack, Google drive, Dropbox, Zapier, and various calendar tools.  

The goal is to put your content creation and processes on autopilot so you can remove the resistance and focus on execution. 

STS® Systems trumps ‘staying motivated all the time,’ which spoiler alert isn’t possible. This is exactly why you need strong systems to fall back on.

Set up your YouTube system once – AUTOPILOT forever! 🎉

Asana System Benefits

Hey Business YouTubers! I’m Marissa.

My proudest accomplishment thus far in my business is that my team and I have been able to help 400+ YouTube Business Owners collectively gain over 400,000 subscribers, generate over $4 million in revenue, and create millions of organic views on the platform, while working way less.

Back in 2021, I was just where a lot of you are today. My creator burnout was at an all time high and I was being pulled in so many different directions between my channel and e-learning business. I was very reactive to every little thing, costing me my sanity. I had major decision fatigue and because I was working 40-60+ hours per week I was operating on fumes.

It wasn’t until I got serious about systemizing and leveraging Asana that I was able to remove myself from my YouTube business while maintaining healthy profit margins. Since I moved my YouTube (& business) operating system to Asana, I’ve had to space and clarity to grow my channel to over 200K subscribers, gain over 9.5M views, generate 7-figures from organic traffic, integrate team support seamlessly, and also take 3-months off of maternity leave while my YouTube business profited over 30% while I was gone.

Here’s what you’ll get Instant Access to:

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A Mini Course You'll LOVE!

Subscribers to Sales® Systems is a 75-minute video workshop that is consumable within just over an  hour. Our goal within 75 minutes is to get your YouTube channel systemized so that you can ‘autopilot’ your efforts forever. Included in the workshop are 13 bit-sized video lessons (one to four minutes), the done-for-you YouTube workflow, Asana plug ‘n play templates, easily digestible audio and written instructions, workbooks and pdfs for fast implementation.


Setting up Asana

Welcome to module one, Setting up Asana, which is composed of nine, 1 to 4 minute, bit-sized video tutorials to get your Asana powered up in minutes.

You’ll learn what Asana is and why it’s incredible for your YouTube channel and business’s centralized hub, project management center, productivity-driver and beyond! 🎉 I’ll walk you through the features step-by-step and make sure you are set up for success. I’m so excited for you to experience the confidence and clarity after going through this module. This is where the fun really begins!

Total Time: 34m 57s

module 2

YouTube Asana Signature System

This signature Subscribers to Sales YouTube workflow will clone right into your Asana account. Think of this as the ‘engine’ of your channel.  It’s a clear repeatable assembly line that makes the process of scripting, filming, editing, optimizing and everything in between seamless. The entire purpose of this workflow is so that not a single step/task gets missed prior to the publication of a video. 

This workflow also acts as your content creation calendar so that you can see which task is due by when.  Visually see which stage each video is in.  How many times has an idea for a title popped into your head while you’re on-the-go? Since Asana is also a mobile app, you can script while you’re out and about and create a new video project.

The biggest advantage of this is that you can plug your YouTube editing and management team into the system and they’ll already know what to do (because it’s clearly laid out). Module two includes three quick video tutorials with step-by-step written instructions in the description.

Total Time: 31m 31s


Systemize Your Revenue-Generating Projects

Finally in the last module, I’ll help you systemize the rest of your sales, marketing and operational efforts.  Of course we know Youtube is just ONE piece of your business’s entirety.  This is why STS Systems is already one step ahead and I’ve crafted Asana projects and processes that will help you do things like: organize your CEO responsibilities, launch a course or website, lead generation, collaborations with other brands, systemize your client or service delivery and so much more.

Total Time: 15m 15s


(... and oh boy... are they really cool!)


AUDIT Your Business + Business audit workbook 📃

I’m willing to bet there’s activities & processes right now in your Youtube business that are crushing your productivity and contributing to your burnout. This means that they could be either streamlined, automated, or straight up removed. In the spirit of systemizing, this bonus lesson will show you how to evaluate your business and take a look at all the tasks you’re in charge of and most importantly identify the gaps and golden opportunities. 

After watching this bonus, you will get clarity on what’s actually going on and how to identify the things that move the needle forward and ditch the rest! #SuperchargedFocus coming right up! A fillable auditing workbook included with the tutorial.


5 Plug N Play Templates (right from my business to yours)

I’ve personally paid over $3,000 to operation specialists to help me craft these and I’m including them today in STS Systems for free.  Aside from being a badass content creator, you understand the other hats you wear as business owner: launch strategist, course creator, customer support, finance & accounting, social media content strategist, sales funnel builder and if you don’t have strong systems for these responsibilities it could be completely overwhelming. This is why I’m provided 5 crafted done-for-you Asana templates with instructions on how to use them. At a glance here’s what you get:

Upload them instantly into your Asana account and I’ll show you how to customize them to fit your exact business needs.


Optimize your CEO schedule

Design your dream and SPACIOUS calendar that has you blissfully excited to flow through tasks throughout the week. 

In this bonus, I’ll show you how to incorporate a newfound ‘minimalist’ schedule in Asana.  You’ll learn how I’m able to operate my entire YouTube channel and business in just 15 hours per week with the power of time-blocking and themed days.  I’m a busy mother and wife and this is why every single minute of each work day is intentional and boundary-setting is a must.   

This is going to be your north star and how you re-create a new vision for your day-to-days going forward. We will dive into what your dream lifestyle looks like, CEO creator mindset awareness, and the values and vision behind your channel and business.


Weekly Goals and a Daily Plan

In this bonus, understand how to set crystal clear weekly goals and a daily plan in Asana to actually achieve them.  I’ll discuss how you’ll feel motivated week by week and have everything clearly laid out in a ‘to-do’ list type of way both for your macro weekly goals and specific daily responsibilities. You’ll feel empowered because you’ll never lose sight of the micro-to-do’s that often get forgotten.  Plus, you’ll see how I incorporate my vision board in both of these so that I can always maintain it at the top of mind.

Now can you see how it’s possible to systemize your channel and catapult your growth and revenue without the burnout?

You may be thinking, do I need Asana, systems, and structure now? And the answer is yes! If you’re in a position where your dream YouTube subscriber count and revenue goal still seems so far away, I can assure you that the sooner you have automated assets, systems, and processes in place, the sooner you’ll hit mid-6 & 7 figures and next level YouTube growth.  I want you to have a scalable foundation now so that it’s easy to move through growth and income levels. This is exactly what STS Systems provides.

Imagine in just 75 minutes….your jaw dropping in shock because now you can see exactly why your productivity sucked, knowing exactly how to create more content in less time because your workflow is on autopilot

If you can master what’s in this mini-workshop, it will save you from the #1 sin in business and that is creating terrible systems, or even worse not having them at all. There’s two things that can ruin a channel – disorganization and terrible systems. Ignoring the systems is like ignoring the roots of your YouTube channel and business. Fix your systems first because that is your playbook and strong blueprint moving forward.

If you continue with the mindset of grinding more, produce, produce, produce, and try to go viral no matter the cost… You’re just asking for a bigger content creation hamster wheel and MORE BURNOUT. You’re not investing the time to fix the hamster wheel AKA your shaky Youtube and business foundation.  Your YouTube business is just a mirror image of your decision-making processes, habits, and systems that you’ve developed so far. This expands out into the business and team that you grow so it’s crucial to systemize now, the right way!

Alright Marissa, I’m In!

How Does This Work?

Imagine where you could be a few hours from now… the HUGE relief sets in because you know exactly what efficient, effective, and profitable steps to take to centralize your YouTube channel tasks in one place, save 10-12+ hours per week, and download your YouTube business out of your brain into a system that does all the thinking for you.

Imagine 1 month from now knowing exactly what processes and tasks are going on in your Youtube business and where to find them. You’re operating in your newfound spacious and pleasant schedule and elated because you know you’re saving so many hours during the week and creating content FASTER.

Imagine in 3 months from now you’ve hired your Dream YouTube video editor and manager and they know exactly what to do to operate your channel without you being there because it’s already mapped out for them in Asana. You’re filming videos in just 2 hours per week and handing off the rest, BOOM!

All thanks to STS SYSTEMS!

This offer is available for a limited time ONLY – it’s too good to keep up forever! 

Recap of What You Get

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Here’s what you’re getting instantly when you grab Subscribers to Sales SYSTEMS today!

  • Three modules of 13 video lessons that explain Asana, gives you the breakdown of how to set up your free account in minutes, and exact instructions on how to use the features and done-for-you templates provided so you can start systemizing your YouTube business.

  • Our signature, Subscribers to Sales customer-only Asana YouTube Workflow, which is already setup, ready to deploy, and has every single task and process associated with a high-converting YouTube channel included.

  • A breakdown of exactly how to categorize your Entire Business, not just your YouTube channel. Using Asana alone for YouTube is a game-changer, but I’m going to teach you how to systemize your entire business so that you have clarity with all your operations and revenue-producing activities.

PLUS – These Limited Time Bonuses!

Audit 🔍your Business + Business Audit Workbook📃.

A short video-lesson and complimentary workbook that will give you clarity on what’s actually going on in your business and how to identify the things that move the needle forward and ditch the rest!

5 Plug ‘N Play Asana Templates

I’ve personally paid over $3,000 to operation specialists to help me craft these and I’m including them today in STS Systems for free. At a glance here’s what you get: The Yearly Project Planner 📅, CEO Task Dashboard 📊, Product Launch Template 🚀, Lead 👥 Tracker Template, Service-Based Provider Project ⚙️

These templates are in addition to the done-for-you YouTube workflow!

Your Spacious & Optimized CEO Schedule

Design your dream and SPACIOUS calendar that has you blissfully excited to flow through tasks throughout the week.  In this bonus, We will dive into what your dream lifestyle looks like, CEO creator mindset awareness, and the values and vision behind your channel and business.

Weekly Goals and Daily Plan

Understand how to set crystal clear weekly goals and a daily plan in Asana to actually achieve them.  Never lose sight of the macro or micro-to-do’s that often get forgotten. 

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Steal This Deal Today!

VALUE $397, Regular $97

Today Only $47.00

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What People Say

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The breakdown of Asana project management tool and tutorials are solid. Being able to see everything in action gives me a vision of what I want to have in my business. PLUS being able to download the templates and upload into my own Asana account is genius.
Wealth Nation YouTube Channel,
Wealth Specialists
Asana is a tool that not only helps you organize your business but also your personal life...STS Systems was an amazing workshop on how to use Asana thoroughly and easily.
Juan Cardona
YouTuber & Videographer
I think it was very helpful to learn a system that adapts easily to the needs and journey of every content creator. Asana is a great tool to keep track of the tasks that we need to get done. That and the methodology explained in this workshop allow us to have every aspect of our lives (business and personal life) super organized.
Roope Kiuttu
Owner of 6 YouTube Channels
The biggest takeaway from the YouTube Asana lessons is the importance of establishing a system to get your video from idea to publication and to scale your efforts.
client testimonial
Karen Marrow
Affiliate Marketing YouTuber


What if I have always struggled with Tech?

Not to worry! We’ve had hundreds of clients that have taken this course that have considered themselves non-techie.  No matter your tech skills, Asana is user-friendly and the workshop lessons are super easy to follow. I show you exactly where to click for everything and also the instructions are written down as well.  Several of our clients have said that getting through the initial curve is so worth it because of the freedom (hours saved, increased productivity) that comes as a byproduct of using the tool.

If you’re a team of one (or one to two), that’s all the more reason to systemize your YouTube channel and business properly from the start! You’re probably doing the jobs of 10 different people at once. It’s almost inevitable that you’re going to forget a few things every now and again. By keeping yourself properly organized, you’ll be able to better manage your own time, but you’ll also create a strong and efficient foundation as your team grows.

Making sure you launch your channel with momentum and the best practices (optimization, SEO, scripting, editing, post distribution etc.) is the BEST thing that you could do to ensure your channel’s success. If you don’t have a channel yet, what you’ll learn in STS Systems is especially important because you’ll literally have a process and task list of every single thing that must get done. It’s already laid out for you.  That way once you get to filming your first video you’ll feel empowered knowing exactly what to do.

No refunds. We wholeheartedly believe in this mini-workshop. We’ve helped many people become successful over the years with the strategies we teach in STS Systems.

Because of the instant access nature of this online program, there are no refunds available under any circumstances.

Click here to purchase STS Systems.

No, there is no 1:1 support.  We do have the option for consultation calls where we get behind the wheel of your Asana account and help you at an additional yet affordable cost and you can learn more once you’re inside the training portal.

As soon as you purchase HERE you get instant access delivered to your email.  A custom login link will be sent to you automatically with a username and password.  You can start watching the lessons and bonuses right away. If you have any trouble logging in please contact

Yes it is FREE! Unlike most other project management tools, the free version of Asana is incredible.  It has all the features you need to run your YouTube business. After 30 days of signing up, Asana will give you the option to upgrade but you simply click the link to bypass that and continue using the free version.  My team and I have been using the free version for years.

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Steal This Deal Today!

VALUE $397, Regular $97

Today Only $47.00

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You don’t wanna Miss This!

Grab STS® Systems before it’s too late. Get your YouTube channel systemized for growth and profitability the right way the FIRST time (without the burnout). Systemize ONCE, Autopilot Forever! Use code 7off at checkout for $7.00 off today only.